Non-Surgical Hip Treatment in Orlando, Florida

Enjoy Life Again Without Pain and Discomfort

Avoid Surgery

When hip pain is severe and chronic, it may seem like surgery is the only possible solution. It’s not!

Get Back on Your Feet Again

It’s hard to take care of activities and obligations when you hurt. We fix the pain and get you moving.

Natural Therapies

We offer several natural therapies that improve hip pain by stimulating your body’s own healing action.

Our Non-Surgical Hip Pain Treatments

Rest, heating pads, and other self-care can only do so much. And when it doesn’t do anything, it’s easy to think invasive procedures are the route to go. Don’t. Our non-surgical approach can help you.

Platelets Rich Plasma (PRP)

PRP therapy uses a concentration of your blood’s own platelets to help regenerate nerve tissue to soothe discomfort and eliminate pain at the source.

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You don’t need to look for high-risk treatments when your own body contains regenerative stem cells that can be utilized with Lipogems therapy.

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In situations where hip pain results from inflammation or problems involving the ligaments, Prolotherapy injections can be an effective solution.

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What is a Hip Injury?

The hip joint is the area of the body where the pelvis and thigh bone connect. It’s also one of the points that’s most responsible for holding your body weight. This means that even when they’re healthy and agile, a regular lifestyle will give the hips quite the workout. Unfortunately, for many people, due to injuries or conditions like arthritis, their hips are more of a source of pain than support.

The hip is a complex intersection of bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and soft tissue, and it can be injured in any number of ways. Car accidents, falls, sports injuries — the list is endless. And once you’re hurt, the pain can seem endless as well. Nevermind running or exercising, even basic walking can be excruciating when hip function is compromised.

When Is It Time to Address Hip Injuries?

Hip injuries are varied and so is the path people take when dealing with them. Many find themselves administering self-care measures like ice packs or stretching, hoping that aches will subside with time and mild therapy. Others find their lives so hindered by pain and mobility issues that they see surgery or pain medication as the only possible outcome.

Regardless of the nature of your hip injury or the origin of the pain, you owe it to yourself to schedule a consultation with Dr. Barreto and discover the options that finally allow you to experience healing and true relief. He uses a series of mild injections and electrical stimulation that harness, focus, and deploy your body’s own capabilities to heal itself and even provide an alternative to hip replacement.

Start On the Road to Recovery

You do not have to accept that hip pain is just part of your day, nor do you have to take painkillers or endure surgery. Dr. Barreto’s protocol will provide hip pain relief and restore your quality of life.